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AUC News and Publications

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Jorge Granados headshot
Student News
Student Jorge Granados used his National Guard experience from Hurricane Katrina to help others during Irma.
Group photo
Student News
Student Juhi Patel volunteered to help procure water and supplies for her fellow students during Hurricane Irma.
Barbra Giourgas
Alumni News, Residency Match
Barbra Giourgas, MD '17 matched into pediatric neurology at the Medical University of South Carolina.
Dr. Valerie Garden
Alumni News
Image courtesy of Operation Access. Story adapted from Operation Access’ newsletter.
Close up of AUC white coat
Alumni News
What does it mean to be named chief resident?
Julie Burkett
Alumni News
Alumna Julie Burkett, MD ‘14 has joined her father as one of two physicians practicing from a new medical center in Poseyville, Indiana.