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Kate Essad headshot
Alumni News
Kate Essad, MD ’12, a sports neurology fellow in Brighton, Michigan, knew that AUC was the right school for her the first time she saw it.
Group photo at AUC's Match Madness
Residency Match, Campus News
It’s officially Match Week, the time when medical students around the country prepare to learn where they will be doing residency. The week culminates in Match Day on Friday, March 16 with the reveal of participants’ residency placement. For AUC students, the news comes in the form of an email at 1:00pm ET from the National Resident Matching Program. While the wait to Friday can feel agonizing, Match Day is one of the most anticipated and exciting day in students’ medical career.
Mitchell Clark headshot
Alumni News
This New Brunswick native headed back home to Canada to take on a gynecologic oncology fellowship at the University of Toronto.
Reema Hasan and Hamid Ghanbari headshot
Alumni News
A bittersweet aspect of medical school is that close friends often become long distance after graduation, dispersing across the country for residency and fellowship. Not so for Drs. Hamid Ghanbari and Reema Hasan, two AUC grads who work just an office apart.
The Tabaacs
Alumni News
“The moment I saw her, with formaldehyde in the air, I knew she was the one,” says Dr. Tabaac, who will begin a vascular neurology fellowship at Johns Hopkins this summer.
Recipients of the Ron Taylor Award
Campus News
Colleagues who went above and beyond during Hurricane Irma were surprised with the Ron Taylor Award, an honor given to employees for in-the-moment contributions that inspire service, build teamwork, and go the extra mile.