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Dr Makhija
Alumni News, Campus News
Despite hailing from a family of doctors, Monica Arti Makhija, MD ’07, wanted to be anything but a medical professional when she grew up.
Dr Pacheco listing image
Alumni News, Diversity in Medicine
For most of her life, American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) alum Cybele Pacheco, MD ’06, has worked to address health equity issues in her community and beyond.
Nyla Shah
Student News, Campus News, Diversity in Medicine
Born and raised in Kenosha, Wisconsin, American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) student Nyla Shah, Class of ’26, spent most of the first six years of her life watching her younger sister slowly die of liver disease.
Shanique Ampiah
Alumni News
Jamaican-born and raised in south Florida, American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) alum, Shanique Ampiah, MD '14, understands the importance of resil
Steven Jackson
Alumni News, Campus News
Growing up the son of a single mother in the inner city of the south side of Chicago, American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) alum Steven D.
auc black history month 2023
Student News, Campus News, Diversity in Medicine
Keren-Happuch Ikechi-Konkwo, Class of ‘25 Black Medical Student Association