AUC students on campus

AUC News and Publications

Latest News

Elena Gueorguiev
Featured News, Student News, Global Health
Students join forces with Danbury Hospital to help homeless women in Connecticut have a #HappyPeriod
CSGA directors
Student News
Third year students Soubhi Alhayek, Sean Clayton, and Adrianna Gatt have been selected to direct the clinical arm of AUC's Student Government Association.
Campus News
Issue 11: April 20, 2018 A rundown of campus events and activities at AUC
Campus News
Issue 7: March 23, 2018 A rundown of campus events and activities at AUC
Campus News
Issue 8: March 30, 2018 A rundown of campus events and activities at AUC
Campus News
Issue 9: April 6, 2018 A rundown of campus events and activities at AUC