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AUC News and Publications

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Multicultural Circle
Student News, Campus News
A five-day event on AUC's campus celebrates the diversity and cultures represented in our student body.
Chelsea Azevedo research
Student News
Fifth semester student, Chelsea Azevedo recently presented research at the 2018 International Health Congress at Oxford University. The project, “Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes in the Population of Sint Maarten” is headed by Clinical Medicine Professor Dr. Naira Chobanyan and includes a group of students led by third year student Mohamed Rafaat.
Photo of a man listening at Medical Conference
Campus News, Student News
Are you interested in presenting original clinical research at a conference or meeting? AUC can help offset the costs of registration and travel.
Carlos Calderon
Student News
Carlos Calderon is a fourth semester student from Temple City, California. He was recently named one of ten AUC Student Experience Ambassadors, a position that allows him to chronicle his experiences during medical school at AUC. In this piece, Calderon explores the role of interfaith organizations in shaping medical students’ cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Chelsea Azevedo research
Student News
AUC students continually engage in research and scholarship opportunities at professional meetings around the world. We would like to congratulate and acknowledge those students who had posters and oral presentations at international conferences during the spring and summer of 2018.
Group picture at an EDGE event
Featured News, Campus News
EDGE, which stands for Empowerment, Diversity, Growth and Excellence, is a colleague-driven initiative focused on promoting women’s advancement into leadership roles in both the workplace and the broader community.