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Bal Sharma standing with woman and man
Featured News, Alumni News
By traveling to underserved regions in the state, Bal Sharma, MD '84 is able to provide consultative psychiatric services at nursing homes that otherwise wouldn’t have a psychiatrist available.
Close up of AUC white coat
Featured News, Alumni News
We’re pleased to recognize the following AUC graduates who have matched into fellowship positions for the upcoming year.
Group of students in white coats
Featured News, Student News
More than one-hundred new medical students received their short white coats during AUC’s White Coat Ceremony on Monday, January 7. The event closed out a week of orientation for incoming students and served as their official welcome to AUC and the medical profession.
Sarah Cazorla headshot
Featured News, Alumni News, Diversity in Medicine
Dr. Cazorla, a plastic and reconstructive surgery fellow at the University of Virginia, discusses how she sees the gender gap in her field narrowing and her career journey since graduating.
Mariel Chan speaking to woman
Featured News, Student News
Fourth-semester student Mariel Chan has been named the September 2018 Student of the Semester. As a part of her award, Mariel will receive a $5,000 grant to be spent on a community initiative of her choosing
Professor and student looking over lung diagram in anatomy lab
Student News, Campus News
Faculty-student research collaborations are a staple at AUC, and we’re proud to acknowledge two recent publications from members of the AUC community.