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Group photo at AUC's Match Madness
Residency Match, Campus News
It’s officially Match Week, the time when medical students around the country prepare to learn where they will be doing residency. The week culminates in Match Day on Friday, March 16 with the reveal of participants’ residency placement. For AUC students, the news comes in the form of an email at 1:00pm ET from the National Resident Matching Program. While the wait to Friday can feel agonizing, Match Day is one of the most anticipated and exciting day in students’ medical career.
Recipients of the Ron Taylor Award
Campus News
Colleagues who went above and beyond during Hurricane Irma were surprised with the Ron Taylor Award, an honor given to employees for in-the-moment contributions that inspire service, build teamwork, and go the extra mile.
Barbra Giourgas
Alumni News, Residency Match
Barbra Giourgas, MD '17 matched into pediatric neurology at the Medical University of South Carolina.
Campus News
Dhaval Desai, MD will never forget the night he took care of 3-year-old Maggie during his residency. When he signed out after a 30-hour call—the majority spent tending to Maggie, who had complications from chemotherapy for her leukemia—Dr.
Chris Haltigin headshot
Alumni News, Residency Match
A former hockey player reflects on beating cancer -- twice -- during his medical education, and matching into OB/GYN.
Alumni News, Residency Match
From the perspective of Tanya Egodage, MD, every physician is a lifelong student—and teacher. A trauma and critical care fellow at Cook County Health & Hospitals System in Chicago, she believes passing on your knowledge isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s vital to the profession.