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World Mental Health Day flyer
Student News, Alumni News
Today is World Mental Health Day. Mental illness can affect anyone and as physicians and medical students, we are not immune.
Group of students at AAFP
Featured News, Student News
Research project on Dengue Fever addresses conference theme of addressing global health concerns.
Man performing health screening
Featured News, Student News
Project HELP is a special partnership between AUC and the Ministry of Health to host free medical screenings throughout St. Maarten.
Group photo
Featured News, Alumni News, Student News
Sports neurologist Kate Essad, MD ’12 has been a mentor to student Patricia Henegan ever since they met at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, where Dr. Essad was completing her residency and Patricia was conducting research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
KTAR news logo
Student News
With significant primary care shortages facing the state of Arizona, AUC executive dean Dr. Heidi Chumley looks to international medical schools as a solution.
Student News
Third year clinical student Mohamed Raafat presented research on the prevalence of three major tropical viruses in St. Maarten.