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Farshad Ghasemi, MD '19, AUC graduate
Alumni News, Residency Match
At age 17, Farshad Ghasemi emigrated from Iran to Toronto, ON. Until his family joined him two years later, he navigated life in a new country on his own, attending York University for undergrad and working towards his childhood dream of becoming a physician. 
January 2020 White Coat Ceremony
Campus News, Student News
More than one-hundred new medical students received their short white coats during AUC’s White Coat Ceremony on Monday, January 6, 2020.
AUC graduates Dr. Aaron Tiffee and Dr. Tim Marcus
Alumni News, Residency Match
When you’re heading into unfamiliar territory, there’s nothing like a healthy dose of advice and encouragement from someone who’s been there to help put you at ease.
Match Day video thumbnail
Campus News
Resident physicians across the United States discovered where they will complete their fellowship training during the National Resident Matching Program's (NRMP) Medical Specialties Matching Program reveal today.