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Alumni Event in Disneyland
Alumni News
Congratulations to these alumni on their professional milestones! If you have an accomplishment you’d like to share for inclusion in next month’s edition, please update us via the Alumni Update Form.
Alumni Event in Disneyland
Alumni News
More than 20 alumni and their families joined AUC's Office of Alumni Relations on Saturday, October 26 for a day of fun at Disneyland.
CCDM 2019 Panel
Natural disasters, disease outbreaks, mass shootings: Physicians are increasingly called on to lead and serve in large scale emergencies. With these incidents on the rise, how can you prepare?
Dr. Alhayek in Syria
Alumni News
In March 2011, the Syrian government violently responded to public demonstrations in support of the Arab Spring.
Student presenting in front of an audience
Featured News, CCDM
Medical and disaster planning experts from around the globe are set to converge in Sint Maarten for the 2020 International Conference on Disaster Medicine and Hurricane Resiliency.
CCDM 2019 Student Poster
Physicians are increasingly called on to lead and serve in large scale emergencies like natural disasters, shootings, and disease outbreaks.