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Miguel Rivera in Airborne School
Campus News
November 11th is the one day we set aside each year to honor those who have served and those who continue to serve. A number of countries honor their veterans each year on this date, although the name and type of commemorations may differ.
UK-Track ribbon cutting ceremony
Campus News
In the hours after Hurricane Irma struck and devastated the island of Sint Maarten, administrative leaders at AUC began the monumental task of finding a venue to temporarily relocate and carry out the rest of the September 2017 semester.
AUC students march in 2019 Pink Parade
Campus News
Despite major strides in early detection and treatment, breast cancer remains the most common cancer in women worldwide. This October, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, AUC students and staff organized numerous events to underscore the ongoing burden of disease.
CCDM 2019 Panel
Natural disasters, disease outbreaks, mass shootings: Physicians are increasingly called on to lead and serve in large scale emergencies. With these incidents on the rise, how can you prepare?