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A person in a white coat
Featured News, Campus News, Student News
More than 100 students celebrated the official start to their medical careers at AUC’s Virtual White Coat Ceremony on Friday, June 5, broadcast on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom.
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Campus News
We have all seen the news and social media posts concerning protests around the United States in response to the senseless deaths of American citizens during encounters with law enforcement, most recently Mr. George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Doctors working together in hallway
Residency Match, Campus News, Alumni News
AUC is proud to recognize the following AUC graduates who have been named chief residents and fellows for the 2020-2021 year.
Alumni News, Featured News, Campus News
New graduates donned their regalia, posed for photos, and recited the Physician’s Oath during AUC’s Virtual Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 16.
A man in a suit
Alumni News, Featured News, Campus News
AUC graduate Constantine “Aki” Kanakis, MD has been elected as student speaker for AUC’s Virtual Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 16. Dr.
Dr Sarah Cazorla
Diversity in Medicine
On National Women Physicians Day, we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States in 1849 and an advocate for women in medicine. In honor of Dr.