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AUC Free Health Screenings
Campus News
Sint Maarten Communities Benefit from AUC's Free Health Screenings; University hosted a breast cancer screening event over Easter weekend.
Docot Izabella Shuvayev
Alumni News, Campus News
On the heels of Alzheimer's Awareness Month in November, we interviewed Izabella Shuvayev, MD ’13, a geriatric psychiatrist who specializes in Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and other cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders.
AUC rise event
Campus News
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) was a proud sponsor of Positive Foundation's Pink Walk, an annual event held in recognition of breast cancer survivors, warriors, and those who have lost the fight against breast cancer.
Shakira Rivera
Student News, Diversity in Medicine, Campus News
There are many reasons Shakira Rivera shouldn’t be where she is today. But the second-year medical student at American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) refused to succumb to the obstacles she faced and is now well on her way to achieving her dream of becoming a doctor.
AMEE 2023 Conference
Campus News, Faculty
Dr. Naira Chobanyan showcases AUC’s community outreach clinics at the international conference for health professions educators.