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AUC News and Publications

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auc black history month 2023
Student News, Campus News, Diversity in Medicine
Keren-Happuch Ikechi-Konkwo, Class of ‘25 Black Medical Student Association
Jalpa Patel
Student News, Campus News
New medical students look forward to their first medical school rite of passage with excitement—the White Coat Ceremony. Wearing their first white coat is the symbol of beginning their careers as future physicians.
Sandip Saha intro image
Alumni News
Congratulations to Sandip Saha, MD, an AUC Class of 2010 graduate and codirector of thoracic oncology at Buffalo General Medical Center/Kaleida Health, who recently received the Heinrich Becker Young Investigator Award for Research and Clinical Innovation.
Meghan Mangal and Faculty
Student News, Campus News
The Future You program brought Sint Maarten adolescents together with AUC faculty and students to learn about careers in medicine and academics, while setting professional goals through interactive activities.
people smiling
Student News
The final Community Action Day of the year took place on Saturday, November 26, with hundreds of AUC students and colleagues collaborating with community partners to drive forward more than a dozen service projects in health, environmental awareness, education and more.
Global Health
On November 26, AUC, in collaboration with the Positive Foundation and The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, hosted a third successful free breast screening event in Philipsburg.