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AUC Blog

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Kat Majdick on Match Day
This grad matched into her #1 residency choice: Internal Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
Raul Madrigal headshot
Fourth year student and Laredo, Texas native Raul Madrigal has served as Clinical Student Government Association (CSGA) representative for Florida since August 2017. Earlier this year, Raul was offered and accepted a pre-Match position in Psychiatry at Metropolitan Hospital, which is affiliated with New York Medical College in New York City. In this article, Raul discusses the factors that led him to psychiatry and shares advice for medical students as they approach clinicals.
Surgeons performing a surgery
Medical Specialties
Fellowships offer a pathway for physicians to hone their skills in a subspecialty through structured training and research, and the options continue to expand. Among the new additions to the National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP®) Fellowship Match for 2018 is gynecologic oncology, which focuses on the study and treatment of malignancies arising in the female reproductive tract.
Ricardo Barranon standing next to AUC seal
Student Life, Q&A
Today, as the new president of AUC’s Student Government Association, Rico Barranon is continuing his longstanding theme in life—to help others’ voices be heard.
Jennie Valles headshot
Medical Specialties
It was during a neuroscience course at AUC that alumna Jennie Valles, MD ’10 discovered her future career path. Today, Dr. Valles is an attending neurologist.
Woman holding Dine Out One Day Fight Aids flyer

When you spend a few minutes talking to fourth-year student Linda Klumpp, it’s clear that she’s a natural advocate. Her passion for the organizations she supports is infectious, and before long, you find yourself wanting to get involved and spread the word, too.