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AUC Blog

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Latest Blogs

Group of students dancing
Student Life
A student's take on participating in a dance class during AUC's recent Multicultural Week celebration.
Group photo
Faculty Spotlights
Thirty years into his career, Dr. Majid Sadigh has had a lot of time to think about the words global health: What does it mean, what does it symbolize, and what impact can it have? It’s fitting that when asked for his definition of global health, he chuckles, takes a pause, and slowly edges into a story.
Student with child on Player Development Community Action Day
Student Life
On the road to earning their MD, these medical students are determined to make a difference in the Sint Maarten community.
Sophia Stone headshot
Faculty Spotlights
Spend just a few moments with Dr. Sophia Stone and it is easy to see why women and families trust her with their pregnancies. Intelligent, courteous, soft-spoken while still self-assured, she has the kind of presence that women often look for in an obstetrician or gynecologist. They are also qualities that make her a valuable mentor for AUC medical students.
Students cleaning up beach
Student Life
More than 240 students, staff, and family from AUC spent their Saturday volunteering across Sint Maarten.
Ricardo Barranon standing next to AUC seal
Student Life, Q&A
Today, as the new president of AUC’s Student Government Association, Rico Barranon is continuing his longstanding theme in life—to help others’ voices be heard.