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residency program students
Medical School Tips & Resources
Everyone has experienced pain at some point in their life. However, not all pain is the same. Pain management plans are created based on a patient's needs.
Dr. Ian Scobie
Faculty Spotlights, Medical Conditions
Ahead of National Diabetes Month in November, we sat down with Dr. Ian Scobie, assistant clinical dean, American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine. Dr. Scobie has written extensively on diabetes, including An Atlas of Diabetes Mellitus, which he is currently revising for its fourth edition. 
Woman and man looking at computer
Medical School Tips & Resources
Working as an EMT can prove beneficial for aspiring doctors. Making this change can be an excellent way to advance one’s medical career.
Students outside Harris
Medical School Tips & Resources, Student Life
Paying off student loans after completing medical school can feel confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming. However, waiting to pay student loans after residency could increase the interest accrued on the principal balance owed.
Medical Specialties, Medical School Tips & Resources
Training to become an anesthesiologist requires extensive education and training. Discover how long it takes to become a licensed anesthesiologist.
Medical School Tips & Resources
Globally, the rate of deaths is growing. Read this blog to learn what are the current global health issues, what are the challenges, and why global health is so important.