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Medical School Tips & Resources
Med School Personal Statement - Learn how to write a medical school personal statement utilizing our tips and strategies to make you stand out as a candidate. Read more!
AUC students sitting together at table
Medical School Tips & Resources

You always receive an amusing answer when you ask a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” 

students studying
Medical School Tips & Resources
Becoming a doctor definitely has its challenges, but there are ways to overcome them. Read on to discover the tips on how to study for medical school.
Woman and man looking at computer
Medical School Tips & Resources
In this blog, AUC details tips on how to succeed in medical school.
Three woman studying at table
Medical School Tips & Resources
In an effort to ease the challenges of applying to medical school, several application services have been created to allow applicants to submit just one primary application, regardless of the number of medical schools to which they apply.
match day image
Medical School Tips & Resources

Medical students know that graduating with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree is only the beginning. To begin practicing medicine, physicians must first complete a postgraduate medical residency of three to eight years, depending on the specialty.