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AUC Blog

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Latest Blogs

Faculty headshot
Faculty Spotlights
As part of our Faculty Friday series, AUC is pleased to spotlight Dr. Cecil Cone, Professor and Department Chair of Pathology.
Student looking at brain section
AUC Student Perspective
A student perspective on a brain section workshop held by AUC's Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN), and how it's fueled his interest in neurophysiology
Clinical SGA presentation
AUC Student Perspective
As a part of AUC's 40th Anniversary Weekend, the Executive Student Government Association organized a clinical panel to share students' perspectives on life during clinical rotations
View of beach
Medical School Tips & Resources, AUC Student Perspective
Going to the beach after an exam has become an AUC tradition to get some much-needed relaxation.
Students in the testing center
AUC Student Perspective
For medical sciences students, taking exams at AUC is pretty routine: Give your notes a last look, show up, complete the exam—and then head to the beach to shake off the stress. But have you ever thought about what goes on behind the scenes in order to get the right test to the right student at the right time?
Doctors reading clipboard
Medical School Tips & Resources, AUC Student Perspective
One student's perspective on the foundation for clinical skills he's built at AUC while completing medical sciences classes.