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Faculty and students in simulation lab
Medical School Tips & Resources
Incorporating cadaver labs and simulation labs into a medical student's education is crucial to creating compassionate, well-trained physicians. Learn more.
MBBS Students in Class with an eye
Medical Specialties
Eye doctors are distinguished by their specialties in eye care. Here, we highlight the roles and responsibilities of Optometrists, Ophthalmologists & Opticians.
residency program students
Medical School Tips & Resources
Everyone has experienced pain at some point in their life. However, not all pain is the same. Pain management plans are created based on a patient's needs.
Woman and man looking at computer
Medical School Tips & Resources
Working as an EMT can prove beneficial for aspiring doctors. Making this change can be an excellent way to advance one’s medical career.
AUC student in simulation lab
Medical Specialties
Internal Medicine vs. Family Medicine – Check out the difference between family medicine and internal medicine regarding training, careers, patient demographics, and more!
Students outside Harris
Medical School Tips & Resources, Student Life
Paying off student loans after completing medical school can feel confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming. However, waiting to pay student loans after residency could increase the interest accrued on the principal balance owed.