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Bradley Reed outside of AUC campus
Career Changers

By the time he reached his 30s, Bradley Reed was by all accounts on the right track. He was working as a primetime news anchor in his home state of Arkansas. He won two Emmy Awards. He was engaged to be married.

But something was missing.

Heather Christopherson standing next to AUC seal
Career Changers
Heather Christopherson, MD ’17 always had deep respect for the medical profession, but she didn’t necessarily see herself in that white coat. Turns out, she changed careers and went to medical school, after all.
Dr. Zubair Siddiqui headshot
Career Changers
Patient care, says Zubair Siddiqui, MD, is all about problem-solving. And he should know, too: As a veteran of the United States Air Force, an engineer by trade, and now a physician, he’s trained to solve problems of all shapes and sizes.
Faculty headshot
Career Changers
As a pharmaceutical salesman, Michael McGlue had worked in the health care industry for several years and held a Master of Health Administration. But something was missing in his health care career—namely, the “care” part.
Aaron Tiffee headshot
Career Changers
Dr. Aaron Tiffee (Class of 2012) was the chief resident at Louisiana State University’s (LSU) emergency medicine program in Baton Rouge.
A man smiling
Career Changers
How a hospital experience inspired Mike Lemay, MD '00 to change careers and discover his true calling as a physician specializing in endocrinology