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AUC Blog

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MBBS Students in Class with an eye
Medical Specialties
Eye doctors are distinguished by their specialties in eye care. Here, we highlight the roles and responsibilities of Optometrists, Ophthalmologists & Opticians.
view of the Sint Maarten campus
Q&A, AUC Student Perspective
Here are a few reasons to consider enrolling in AUC’s January class - smaller incoming class sizes, more flexibility and time to prepare for USMLE exams. Learn more!
AUC student in simulation lab
Medical Specialties
Internal Medicine vs. Family Medicine – Check out the difference between family medicine and internal medicine regarding training, careers, patient demographics, and more!
Medical Specialties, Medical School Tips & Resources
Training to become an anesthesiologist requires extensive education and training. Discover how long it takes to become a licensed anesthesiologist.
Medical Specialties
Dermatologists are doctors who focus on treating skin, hair, and nail conditions. Here we go over skin doctor specialties and how to become a dermatologist!
3 medical students in clinicals
Medical Specialties, Medical School Tips & Resources
Explore the crucial distinctions between inpatient and outpatient care, including cost implications, severity of medical conditions, and typical care providers.