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How Cultural Competence Improves Hispanic Maternal Health
Alumni News
At FemCare OB-GYN, an obstetrics and gynecology practice in Miami, a 29-year-old woman who recently arrived from Nicaragua was seeking help for severe abdominal pain. She had been suffering with it for months. She was desperate, distraught, and crying as she struggled in Spanish to voice her symptoms.
AUC rise event
Campus News
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) was a proud sponsor of Positive Foundation's Pink Walk, an annual event held in recognition of breast cancer survivors, warriors, and those who have lost the fight against breast cancer.
Shakira Rivera
Student News, Diversity in Medicine, Campus News
There are many reasons Shakira Rivera shouldn’t be where she is today. But the second-year medical student at American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) refused to succumb to the obstacles she faced and is now well on her way to achieving her dream of becoming a doctor.
AMEE 2023 Conference
Campus News, Faculty
Dr. Naira Chobanyan showcases AUC’s community outreach clinics at the international conference for health professions educators.
Pedro Delgado
Diversity in Medicine, Campus News, Faculty
According to the most recent data (2019) provided by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), only 5.8% of active physicians identify as Hispanic which pales in comparison to the total U.S. Hispanic population.
Richard Bloy
Alumni News
In September — Sexual Health Awareness Month — we turned to Dr. Richard Bloy, an AUC alumnus, to chat about sexual health and treatments.